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Studio No. 2, 47 Avenue, Prarthana Samaj Road, Vile Parle (East),
Mumbai - 400057.
© 2025 Urmi's Art Forum
Made by Capsicum
There are four papers, you are required to offer any two papers-
Paper 1: (3 hours) Drawing and/or Painting from Still Life - 100 Marks
Paper 2: (3 hours) Drawing and/or Painting from Nature - 100 Marks
Paper 3: (3 hours) Original Imaginative Composition in Colour - 100 Marks
Paper 4: (3 hours) Applied Art - 100 Marks
A group of objects which will be artificial or natural and may include such things as cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, a growing plant, as well as domestic or other artificial objects: the group may be drawn or painted. The work can be carried out, if the candidate wishes, in relation to the surroundings or the part of the room in which the group is placed. If the group is painted, the background must be included.
Paper 2: Drawing and/or Painting from Nature
This paper is divided into two separate sections. Candidates may offer either A or B. In both sections, the subject may be interpreted freely, either in a decorative or in a realistic manner.
Study of the structure of natural forms: such as a spray or branch, which may include flowers, foliage or fruit, fossils, bones, etc. Candidates are expected to reveal their appreciation of natural growth or structure by means of drawing or painting.
A subject will be set for drawing or painting out of doors. There should be evidence of a direct study from nature.
A paper containing a list of alternative subjects will be given to candidates one week before the examination. The actual composition will be executed in the examination room after a period of not less than 7 days from the distribution of the paper to the candidates; sketches or other notes must not be taken into the examination room. Since this is a test of original work, it would be inappropriate for any form of guidance to be given to candidates other than that printed on the question paper.
A variety of themes will be set; these may be given in the form of titles indicating the subject or of specified subjects for inclusion in composition, or in any other form that will stimulate the imagination. Candidates should base their work, if possible, on scenes which they have themselves observed. Any style or technique including that which is traditional in the candidate’s own area may be used.
Candidates will be required to answer any one question. The object of this paper is to test the ability of candidates in craftwork where the material is restricted to flat paper, ink and/or colour. Questions will be set requiring the design and execution of the following:
the page of a book, book cover, or end paper;
A notice or pictorial poster;
A card such as Christmas card or invitation card, or emblem;
A patterned paper for a specific purpose.
Studio No. 2, 47 Avenue, Prarthana Samaj Road, Vile Parle (East),
Mumbai - 400057.
© 2025 Urmi's Art Forum
Made by Capsicum
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