Isc Art Optional

Aims: 1. To encourage creative expression in and through Art. 2. To develop the powers of aesthetic appreciation. 3. To develop an artistic attitude and values through the study of art. 4. To develop an interest in the world of art.

Eligibility: Std. 11th & 12th

Candidates will be required to take three papers of 100 marks each, including at least one paper from Section A and at least one paper from Section B. Papers 1–3 form Section A. Papers 4-6 form Section B. Papers 1–5 shall be of three hours duration each. Paper 6 (Craftwork) will be assessed by a visiting examiner appointed locally. No question paper shall be set by the Council for Paper 6.

Paper 1: (3 hours), Drawing or Painting from Still Life
Paper 2: (3 hours), Drawing or Painting from Nature
Paper 3: (3 hours), Drawing or Painting of a Living Person

Paper 4: (3 hours), Original Imaginative Composition in Colour
Paper 5: (3 hours), Crafts ‘A’
Paper 6: Crafts ‘B’
Each candidate must confine his entry to ONE craft